- 勘云号
- 油气装备与机械加工
据离岸能源网站5月24日报道,挪威国家石油公司Equinor周二表示,已经成功进行了产能测试,证实约翰斯维尔德鲁普(Johan Sverdrup)海上油田日产量可达75.5万桶。
Equinor的勘探和生产副总裁Marianne Bjelland表示,这项工艺能力测试证实了设备在技术上非常坚固耐用,没有发生意外事故。这是一个重要的里程碑,也是系统性和有针对性努力的结果。
Equinor及其合作伙伴Aker BP、派特洛Petoro(挪威油气收益管理公司)和道达尔能源的目标是在未来将该油田石油产量维持在这一水平。
郝芬 译自 离岸能源 网站
Norway: Johan Sverdrup Offshore Oil Field Achieves Record Production
Norwegian oil firm Equinor said Tuesday that a successful capacity test had been performed confirming that the Johan Sverdrup offshore oil field could produce up to 755,000 barrels of oil per day.
During a capacity test at Johan Sverdrup, the field reached a record-high production level of 755,000 barrels of oil per day. This equals six to seven percent of the daily European oil consumption.
“This process capacity test at Johan Sverdrup confirms technically very robust facilities and was safely performed with no unwanted incidents. This is an important milestone, and the result of systematic and targeted efforts, says Marianne Bjelland, vice president Exploration and Production for Johan Sverdrup in Equinor.
Equinor and partners Aker BP, Petoro and TotalEnergies aim to maintain production levels of oil from the field up towards this level going forward, Equinor siad.
In addition, Johan Sverdrup produces 31,500 barrels of oil equivalents of gas per day.
Johan Sverdrup has reserves of 2.7 billion barrels of oil equivalents. Phase one opened in October 2019, phase two started producing in December 2022.
The field is located in the area of Utsirah?yden in the North Sea, 160 kilometers west of Stavanger, at depths of 110-120 meters, covering an acreage of 200 square kilometers.
It was originally expected to produce 660,000 barrels of oil per day at plateau, about a fourth of Norwegian oil production at the current level.
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