勘云首页 > 上游经济 > 东南亚油气产量处于1998年以来最低水平
举报2021-12-30 10:35:18 来源:中国石化新闻网


据俄罗斯油气网12月27日奥斯陆报道,挪威著名能源研究和商业情报公司雷斯塔能源公司( Rystad)27日公布的统计数据显示,2021年,东南亚地区平均油气日产量从2020年的506万桶油当量降至486万桶油当量,与2019年疫情爆发前的550万桶油当量相比,大幅下降了12%。  










李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


Southeast Asia’s oil & gas output at lowest level since 1998

Daily average hydrocarbon production tumbled to 4.86 million boepd in 2021, down from 5.06 million boepd in 2020, and a massive 12% drop compared to the pre-pandemic volumes of 5.5 million boepd in 2019, Rystad Energy data shows.

Operators have struggled to regain production losses triggered by the pandemic as they slowed down activity levels amid an unprecedented disruption in oil markets.

The decline is projected to continue into the middle of the decade.

Although volumes will remain stable in 2022, production will drop an additional 10% by 2025 to around 4.3 million boepd versus current levels, predicts Rystad.

By contrast, natural gas production in the region stayed steady between 2009 and 2019, at around 20.8 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfd).

Despite expectations of a rise in gas sales volume that would counter the 8% fall in production in 2020, volumes are expected to be down around 2% this year compared to 2020, at about 19 Bcfd.

For most of Southeast Asia, over 60% of output comes from mature blocks – fields producing more than 50% of its resource.

Volumes from such blocks are likely to see a consistent decline over the next few years, with an estimated 60% of production by 2030 likely coming from projects currently at the pre-FID stage.

Consequently, the driving force behind the region’s upstream outlook will be the sanctioning of new developments, reported Rystad.

2020 was a nightmare year for regional sanctioning activity, with only around 300 million boe of resources from 6 assets reaching FIDs.

As operators tried to move forward in 2021, the region has seen more than 10 projects secure FIDs, with around 750 million boe of reserves and some $3 billion in greenfield investment, with Malaysia accounting for 85% of the total, said Rystad.

Southeast Asia is unlikely to see a substantial increase in spending in 2022, with investments projected to be in the range of $15 billion to $20 billion across the year.

Investments will likely be driven by increased drilling activity in mature blocks in Indonesia and Thailand, as NOCs take the reins and focus on top-producing blocks.



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