勘云首页 > 新能源专栏 > 荷兰开始在2030年实现额外10吉瓦的海上风电
举报2021-12-08 10:39:09 来源:中国石化新闻网


据中东石油12月5日消息称,荷兰经济事务和气候政策国务秘书Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius宣布开始进行电缆线路的空间规划程序,将该国计划增加的10多吉瓦的海上风力发电能力连接到国家电网。

在12 月 2 日发送给众议院的一封信中,国务秘书Yeşilgöz-Zegerius通知政府,将开始开始对电网连接路线进行调查,并计划在2030年之前增加10.7 吉瓦的海上风电装机容量,几乎是先前计划目标的两倍.

上个月,基础设施和水管理部发布了《2022 - 2027年北海计划附加草案》,该计划将荷兰海上风电目标从目前的 11.5 吉瓦增加到 2030 年的 22.2 吉瓦运营海上风电容量,主要通过提议开发额外的10.7吉瓦,以实现欧盟目前的目标,即到 2030 年将二氧化碳排放量在1990年的基础上减少55%。




曹海斌 摘译自 中东石油


Netherlands starts work on enabling further 10 GW of offshore wind by 2030

The Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, has announced the start of spatial planning procedures for cable routes that would connect more than 10 GW of the country’s planned additional offshore wind capacity to the national grid.

In a letter sent the House of Representatives on 2 December, State Secretary Yeşilgöz-Zegerius informed the government of commencing investigations of grid connection routes for further 10.7 GW of installed offshore wind capacity the country plans to add by 2030, nearly twice the previously planned target.

Last month, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management issued an Additional Draft North Sea Programme 2022 – 2027 which increases the Dutch offshore wind target from the current 11.5 GW to 22.2 GW of operating offshore wind capacity by 2030 by proposing to develop additional 10.7 GW in order to meet the EU’s current goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 55 per cent by 2030 compared to the 1990 levels.

According to the Additional Draft, the new offshore wind capacity would be developed within the newly designated, as well as the existing zones.

The procedure for a cable connection through the Wadden Sea, which will be included in the new spatial programme, has already started.

In addition, the government is examining whether there is still room after 2031 for a possible extra cable and a pipeline to transport hydrogen produced offshore to Eemshaven.



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