勘云首页 > 勘探开发 > 道达尔能源开钻纳米比亚近海高影响力维纳斯-1X井
举报2021-12-03 09:48:27 来源:中国石化新闻网


据海上工程师网2021年12月1日报道,法国能源巨头道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies)在纳米比亚海上2913B区块(PEL 56)开钻维纳斯-1X勘探井。 这口高影响力井的完钻深度为3000米,被视为纳米比亚石油工业的潜在变革。  

12月1日,拥有2913B区块20%权益的Impact油气公司分享了此次钻井作业启动的消息。 道达尔能源公司持有2913B区块40%的权益,卡塔尔能源公司持有30%的权益,纳米比亚国家石油公司NAMCOR持有10%的权益。  

2913B区块位于纳米比亚南部近海,面积约8215平方公里,水深多达3000米。 2014年,Impact油气公司作为运营商进入了该许可证区块,获取了2D和3D地震数据,从而确定了维纳斯远景构造。 道达尔能源公司(当时被称为道达尔公司)于2017年作为运营商加入该区块。

道达尔能源公司将使用马士基钻井公司的《Maersk Voyager号》钻井船钻探这口勘探井,该钻井船最近用于在安哥拉钻探Ondjba -1井,其水深达到3628米,创造了新的世界纪录。  

Impact油气公司首席执行官Siraj Ahmed在评论维纳斯-1X开钻时说:“对于Impact油气公司和我们的股东来说,这是一个激动人心的时刻。 自2014年以来,Impact油气公司与我们在纳米比亚的合作伙伴一直致力于开发和钻探维纳斯远景构造。维纳斯-1X是世界级盆地的开启井,如果成功,可能会为纳米比亚带来变革。”

非洲石油公司总裁兼首席执行官Keith Hill是Impact油气公司的股东之一,他表示:“我非常高兴维纳斯-1X的钻井作业已经开始。 作为一个潜在的盆地开启井,如果成功,这将对我们的股东产生巨大的影响。”

李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


TotalEnergies Spuds 'High-impact' Venus-1X Well Offshore Namibia

TotalEnergies has spudded the Venus-1X offshore exploration well in Namibia's Block 2913B (PEL 56). The well, seen as potentially transformational for the Namibian oil industry, is being drilled in 3,000 meters water depth.

The news of the drilling operation start-up was shared Wednesday by Impact Oil and Gas, which owns a 20% interest in Block 2913B. TotalEnergies holds a 40% interest in Block 2913B, Qatar Energy holds a 30% interest, NAMCOR, the Namibian state oil company, holds a 10% interest.

Petroleum Exploration Licence 56, Block 2913B, is located offshore southern Namibia and covers approximately 8,215km² in water depths up to 3,000 meters. Impact entered the licence as the operator in 2014, acquiring 2D, then 3D seismic data which defined the Venus prospect. TotalEnergies, then known as Total, joined the block as the operator in 2017.

TotalEnergies is using Maersk Drilling's Maersk Voyager drillship, a rig it recently used to drill the Ondjaba-1 well in Angola at a new world record water depth of 3,628 meters.

Commenting on the Venus-1X spud, Siraj Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of Impact, said: “This is an exciting moment for Impact and our shareholders. Impact, together with our partners in the Government of Namibia, have been working to mature and drill the Venus prospect since 2014. Venus-1X is a world-class, basin opening well which, if successful, could be transformative for Namibia.”

Keith Hill, President and CEO of Africa Oil, a shareholder in Impact Oil and Gas, said: "I am very pleased that drilling operations for Venus-1X have commenced. As a potential basin opening well, if successful, this could be a high-impact catalyst for our shareholders."



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