勘云首页 > 上游经济 > 欧佩克考虑降低产量以应对石油储备释放
举报2021-11-24 11:27:51 来源:中国石化新闻网





RBC Capital Markets首席大宗商品策略师Helima Croft表示,"此举可能会加大这场石油扑克游戏的赌注,并可能给华盛顿和利雅得之间的双边关系带来新的压力。"



总部位于利雅得的国际能源论坛秘书长Joseph McMonigle周一在一份声明中表示:“我预计欧佩克+能源部长将维持目前的计划,逐步向市场增加更多供应。”


日本朝日电视台周一报道,东京正准备从国家储备中释放原油。日本首相fumio kishida表示,日本政府正在考虑与美国、印度等国家协调,释放储备资源。印度官员周一表示,他们正在研究类似举措。


黎泱 编译自 世界石油


OPEC considers lowering production to account for oil reserve releases

OPEC and its allies may re-evaluate plans for reviving oil supplies if the world’s four largest consuming countries go ahead with a co-ordinated release of their strategic petroleum reserves.

India became the latest major consumer to contemplate deploying its stockpiles, potentially assisting the U.S., Japan in a move to dampen the inflationary threat of higher energy costs.

The U.S. has urged fellow consumers to tap reserves after crude prices hit a seven-year high.

But the potential move pits them against the OPEC+ coalition -- led by Saudi Arabia and Russia -- for control over world oil markets.

“Such a move would potentially raise the stakes in the oil poker game and could produce new strains in the bilateral relationship between Washington and Riyadh,” said Helima Croft, chief commodities strategist at RBC Capital Markets LLC.

The 23-nation alliance already rebuffed calls from U.S. and others earlier this month to speed up the return of supplies halted during the pandemic. Delegates said that even the modest production increase they have penciled in may now be re-evaluated when the group meets next week.

Oil gained as much as 1% in New York to $76.95 a barrel as traders absorbed the possibility of OPEC+  changing tack.

“I anticipate OPEC+ energy ministers will maintain their current plan of adding more supplies to the market gradually,” Joseph McMonigle, Secretary-General of the Riyadh-based International Energy Forum, said in a statement Monday.

“However, certain unforeseen external factors such as a release of strategic reserves or new lockdowns in Europe may prompt a reassessment of market conditions,” McMonigle said after a meeting with a Japanese foreign ministry official.

Japan’s TV Asahi reported Monday that Tokyo is preparing to release crude from its national stockpiles. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had said his government was considering a release from reserves in coordination with countries such as the U.S. Indian officials said Monday that they were studying a similar move.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies will meet on Dec. 2 to contemplate an increase of production by 400,000 barrels a day in January.



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