- 勘云号
- 油气装备与机械加工
据《能源年》11月22日阿布扎比报道,阿布扎比国家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Company即ADNOC)的人工智能部门周四宣布,已同意与贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)合作,为钻井作业开发人工智能技术。
首席执行官奥马尔·马尔祖奇(Omar Al-Marzooqi)表示,人工智能在为 ADNOC 等能源生产商以及更广泛的石油和天然气行业实现更智能、更高效和可持续的增长方面发挥着重要作用,AIQ专注于加速开发新的人工智能解决方案,随着能源转型的展开,这些解决方案可以为该行业带来更大的价值。
郝芬 译自 《能源年》
Adnoc and Baker Hughes create AI joint venture
AIQ has agreed to collaborate with Baker Hughes to create artificial intelligence technology for drilling operations, the artificial intelligence arm of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company announced on Thursday.
The project will use Baker Hughes’ artificial intelligence technology to analyse drilling data and improve drilling trajectories.
“AI plays an instrumental role in enabling smarter, more efficient and sustainable growth for energy producers such as ADNOC as well as the wider oil and gas industry, and AIQ is focused on accelerating the development of new AI solutions that can unlock greater value for the industry as the energy transition unfolds,” said Omar Al Marzooqi, CEO of AIQ.
The move supports Abu Dhabi National Oil Company’s plan to boost production capacity to 5 million bopd by 2030.
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