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- 油气装备与机械加工
据能源全球11月9日消息称,通过决定投资 Les Nouvions 陆上风电场,RWE 正在进一步扩大其在法国的可再生能源投资组合。这个44兆瓦的风电场位于法国北部的 Hauts-de-France 地区。预计建设将于2022年初开始,项目团队计划在2023年全面启用该项目。
一旦建成,该风电场将拥有11台Nordex涡轮机(N149/3960 TS 105型)。据计算,该资产将产生足够的绿色电力,满足法国2.27万户家庭的年度需求。
RWE 在法国有着雄心勃勃的目标。2020年,该公司收购了法国陆上风力和太阳能开发管道,规模约为1.9 GW。该公司最近启用了其第一个陆上风力发电场Les Pierrots (26.4 MW)。另外两个总容量为33兆瓦的项目预计将于2022年完成。除了法国的项目,RWE还在美国、英国、波兰、瑞典、荷兰和德国建设陆上风力发电场。
曹海斌 摘译自 能源全球
RWE invests in French onshore wind farm
By deciding to invest in the Les Nouvions onshore wind farm, RWE is further expanding its renewables portfolio in France. The 44 MW wind farm is located in northern France in the Hauts-de-France region. Construction is expected to start at the beginning of 2022 and the project team has planned to fully commission the project in 2023.
Once completed, the wind farm will have 11 Nordex turbines (type N149/3960 TS 105). It has been calculated that the asset will generate enough green electricity to cover the annual needs of 22 700 French households.
RWE has ambitious goals in France. In 2020, the company acquired a French onshore wind and solar development pipeline of approximately 1.9 GW. The company has recently commissioned its first onshore wind farm, Les Pierrots (26.4 MW). Two other projects with a total capacity of 33 MW are expected to be completed in 2022. Beside the French projects, RWE is building onshore wind farms in the US, the UK, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany.
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