勘云首页 > 上游经济 > 英国Harbour能源获得在北海储碳许可
举报2021-10-12 15:33:34 来源:中国石化新闻网


据离岸工程网站10月11日消息 英国石油和天然气管理局 (OGA) 已向最近通过 Premier石油和Chrysaor合并成立的油气公司 Harbour能源颁发了二氧化碳 评估和储存许可证(CS 许可证)。

该许可证将覆盖东北Lincolnshire Immingham海岸北部北海的一个地区。


吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


Harbour Energy Gets License to Store CO2 in North Sea

The UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has awarded a carbon dioxide (CO2) appraisal and storage licence (CS licence) to oil and gas company Harbour Energy, recently created via a merger between Premier Oil and Chrysaor.

The license will cover an area in the Southern North Sea off the coast of Immingham in North East Lincolnshire.

Harbour Energy plans to reuse the depleted Rotliegend gas fields, Viking and Victor, located around 40km from the Lincolnshire coast to store the CO2 in deep geological formations c.9000ft (2743 meters) below the seabed, and potentially utilize the Bunter Formation aquifer which could offer additional options to increase the future storage capacity of the project.



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