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勘云首页 > 天然气专栏 > 天然气将在未来50年发挥关键作用
举报2021-09-24 10:07:21 来源:中国石化新闻网

据阿拉伯贸易9月23日消息称,阿联酋工业和先进技术部长、ADNOC董事总经理兼集团首席执行官Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber博士表示,在未来50年里,天然气将在推动阿联酋经济增长方面发挥关键作用。

在2021年Gastech开幕致辞中,Al Jaber博士强调了阿联酋在天然气方面的领导地位,并表示:“天然气将支持阿联酋领导人在‘50原则’中提出的经济增长愿景。”

据WAM报道,Al Jaber博士说:“50原则是由10项指导原则推动的,旨在使阿联酋成为世界上最具活力的经济体。天然气将在这一增长蓝图中发挥关键作用,作为我们位于Ruwais的下游枢纽和我们的工业合资企业TA 'ZIZ的基本燃料库存。”

他在网上解释说,阿联酋正在加强其作为天然气和新兴蓝色氢市场的地区领导者的地位。他将这一领导地位归功于阿联酋创始人Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan的远见,他认识到天然气提供的巨大潜力,以及平衡经济增长和环境保护的必要性。

“我们对环境和真正可持续发展的承诺是关键驱动力。1973 年,在他的指导下,ADNOC 停止燃烧其所有业务中的伴生气,而是捕获并运输它。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易


Natural gas to play pivotal role for next 50 years: Al Jaber

Natural gas is set to play a pivotal role in powering economic growth in the UAE over the next 50 years, according to Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Managing Director and Group CEO of ADNOC.

Delivering the opening address of Gastech 2021, Dr Al Jaber highlighted the UAE's leadership in natural gas and said "natural gas will support the nation’s vision for economic growth as set out by the Leadership in the 'Principles of the Fifty'."

"The Principles of the Fifty is a mandate for progress driven by 10 guiding principles aimed at making the UAE the most dynamic economy in the world. Gas will play a pivotal role in this blueprint for growth, as the essential fuel stock for our downstream hub in Ruwais and our industrial joint venture, TA’ZIZ," Dr Al Jaber said, according to a WAM report.

Speaking virtually, he explained that the UAE is strengthening its position as a regional leader in natural gas and the emerging blue Hydrogen market. He attributed this leadership position to the foresight of the Founding Founder of the UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who recognised the enormous potential natural gas offered and the need to balance economic growth with environmental protection.

"Our commitment to the environment and truly sustainable development was the key driver. In 1973, at his direction, ADNOC stopped burning the associated gas from all its operations, and instead captured it and shipped it.



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