勘云首页 > 装备工具 > ONGC或将购买伍德赛德在塞内加尔近海股份
举报2021-09-10 11:09:43 来源:中国石化新闻网


据世界石油9月8日报道,知情人士透露,Oil & Natural Gas Corp.正在研究从Woodside Petroleum Ltd.手中收购塞内加尔近海价值40多亿美元的Sangomar石油项目的重要少数股权。

知情人士说,国有ONGC正在讨论收购该油田20%至40%的权益,由于此事属于私人性质,这些人士要求不具名。知情人士说,总部位于澳大利亚的Woodside正在与Jefferies Financial Group Inc.就这笔交易进行合作,可能还会吸引其他买家。

据知情人士透露,谈判正在进行中,目前还不确定是否会达成协议。Jefferies和Woodside的代表拒绝置评,ONGC海外投资子公司ONGC Videsh Ltd.的发言人没有立即回应置评请求。

Woodside通过一系列股权收购在Sangomar油田建立了自己的地位。今年早些时候,在行使了与ONGC报价相匹配的权利后,收购了FAR Ltd.的参与权益。这使其在该项目中的股份达到82%,其余股份由塞内加尔政府持有。Woodside去年收购了Cairn Energy Plc在Sangomar的股份。

塞内加尔一直吸引着寻找新资源的石油和天然气公司。Cairn于2014年在桑戈马钻了第一口深水井,成为当年全球最大的石油发现之一。随后,位于达拉斯的Kosmos Energy Ltd.从2016年开始发现了一系列重要的海上天然气。

黎泱 编译自 世界石油


India’s ONGC considering Woodside stake in offshore Senegal oil field

India’s Oil & Natural Gas Corp. is exploring a purchase of a significant minority stake in the $4 billion-plus Sangomar oil project off the coast of Senegal from Woodside Petroleum Ltd., according to people familiar with the matter.

State-owned ONGC is discussing acquiring an interest of 20% to 40% in the field, the people said, asking not to be identified as the matter is private. Australia-based Woodside is working with Jefferies Financial Group Inc. on the sale, which could also attract other suitors, the people said.

Deliberations are ongoing and there’s no certainty they’ll result in a deal, according to the people. Representatives for Jefferies and Woodside declined to comment, while a spokesperson for ONGC Videsh Ltd., ONGC’s overseas investment arm, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Woodside has built its position in the Sangomar field through a series of stake purchases. Earlier this year, it bought FAR Ltd.’s participating interest after exercising its right to match an offer made by ONGC. That took its stake in the project to 82%, with the remainder held by the Senegalese government. Woodside acquired Cairn Energy Plc’s stake in Sangomar last year.

Senegal has been attracting oil and gas companies on the hunt for new resources. Cairn drilled the first deepwater wells in Sangomar in 2014, making one of the largest oil finds globally that year. Dallas-based Kosmos Energy Ltd. then made a series of major offshore gas discoveries starting in 2016.



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