勘云首页 > 上游经济 > GIG收购爱尔兰海上风电项目
举报2021-09-10 11:08:44 来源:中国石化新闻网


据OE网站9月9日报道,麦格理(Macquarie)的绿色投资集团(GIG)周四表示,已收购位于爱尔兰戈尔韦的Sceird Rocks海上风电场开发商Fuinneamh Sceird Teoranta。

Sceirde Rocks是一个拟建的400兆瓦海上风电场,将能够产生足够的电量为多达29.5万个家庭供电。

GIG称,位于戈尔韦的可再生能源项目是爱尔兰海上能源革命的先锋,被环境部、气候行动和通信部指定为七个“相关状态”发展项目之一。这一指定使Sceirde Rocks开发项目成为爱尔兰首批海上风电项目,将于2030年交付。


目前正在全球开发14吉瓦海上风电的GIG公司表示,Sceirde Rocks项目将在实现这些目标、增加国内能源产量以及通过减少爱尔兰对进口煤炭、石油和天然气的依赖来改善能源供应安全方面发挥关键作用。投入运营后,预计该项目每年将减少爱尔兰的碳排放量,可减少多达45.7万吨二氧化碳排放量。

Sceirde Rocks将是GIG在爱尔兰的首个海上风电投资项目。

郝芬 译自 OE


Macquarie’s GIG Buys Irish Offshore Wind Farm Project

Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG) said Thursday it had acquired Fuinneamh Sceirde Teoranta, the developer of the Sceirde Rocks offshore wind farm, in Galway, Ireland.

Sceirde Rocks is a proposed 400 MW offshore wind farm, which will be capable of generating enough energy to power the equivalent of up to 295,000 homes.

"The Galway-based renewable energy project is at the vanguard of Ireland’s offshore energy revolution, having been designated as one of seven ‘Relevant Status’ developments by the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Communications. This designation positions the Sceirde Rocks development to be in the first wave of offshore wind projects in Ireland for delivery by 2030," GIG said.

Ireland has an objective of achieving 70% renewable energy by 2030. To achieve this, over 5 GW of offshore wind energy is expected to be developed by the end of the decade, GIG added, citing Ireland's government data.

"The Sceirde Rocks project will play a critical role in meeting these targets, increasing domestic energy production and improving security of energy supply by reducing Ireland’s dependence on imported coal, oil, and gas. When operational, it’s estimated the project will reduce Irish carbon emissions by up to 457 Kt CO2 emissions avoided per annum," GIG, which is currently developing 14 GW of offshore wind across the world, said.

Sceirde Rocks will be GIG’s first offshore wind investment in Ireland.



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