勘云首页 > 装备工具 > 海王星能源在Shamu远景区钻探获批
举报2021-09-07 16:04:44 来源:中国石化新闻网


据OE网站9月6日报道,海王星能源公司(Neptune Energy)已获得挪威石油安全局(PSA)的批准,在北海33/6区块进行钻探。

挪威PSA周一表示,海王星将在生产许可区882区块的Shamu远景区钻探33/6-6 S和33/6-6 A井。

海王星将使用深海烟台(Deepsea Yantai )半潜式钻机进行钻探作业。


郝芬 译自 OE


Neptune Energy Gets Green Light for Shamu Drilling (Norway)

Neptune Energy has received approval from the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway to drill in block 33/6 in the North Sea.

PSA Norway said Monday that Neptune would drill 33/6-6 S and 33/6-6 A well at the Shamu prospect in the Production licence: 882

Neptune will use the Deepsea Yantai semi-submersible drilling rig for the drilling operation.

Water depth at the site is 311 meters and the drilling is expected to take at least 32 days. The PSA did not share info on the expected spud date.



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