勘云首页 > 装备工具 > 凯恩能源将进军Deltic的北海区块
举报2021-08-16 09:36:20 来源:中国石化新闻网


据OE网站8月12日报道,专注于英国北海的石油和天然气公司 Deltic能源已与凯恩能源公司(Cairn Energy)就其在北海南部的五个天然气许可区签订了一份具有约束力的有条件的转租协议。

凯恩将获得P2428许可区(Cupertino Area)和P2567许可区(Cadence)各60%的权益,以及位于Breagh和Tolmount气田之间的P2560、P2561和P2562许可区各70%的权益。






Deltic能源首席执行官Graham Swindells表示,该协议代表着与凯恩能源广泛合作的开始,凯恩开发新盆地的成功历史与我们专注于勘探的战略相一致。随着我们共同推进下一个高影响钻探目标,该合作伙伴将在Deltic战略北海南部天然气勘探组合的多个许可区进行大量投资。这进一步证明了我们团队开发的投资组合的质量,以及我们专注于天然气的勘探战略,因为我们将继续提供我们的机会传送带,并吸引最佳合作伙伴来促进潜在的钻探。我们对与资金充足且经验丰富的北海运营商凯恩建立合作伙伴关系的前景感到特别兴奋。 双方都致力于在北海南部寻求高影响力勘探机会并成功开发这些天然气前景。

 郝芬 译自 OE


Cairn to Farm Into Deltic's North Sea Blocks

UK North Sea focused oil and gas company Deltic Energy has entered into a binding, conditional farm-out agreement in relation to five of its gas licences in the Southern North Sea with Cairn Energy.

Cairn will acquire a 60% interest in each of Licences P2428 (Cupertino Area) and P2567 (Cadence) and a 70% interest in each of Licences P2560, P2561 and P2562 which are located between the Breagh and Tolmount Gas Fields.

Deltic will retain a 40% interest in licences P2428 and P2567 and a 30% interest in licences P2560, P2561 and P2562.

Cairn will fund 100% of an agreed work programme for each of the five licences up to the point of making a drill or drop decision on each licence, which will include the shooting of new seismic data over Licence P2428.

Following the Farm Out Agreement becoming unconditional, Cairn will pay Deltic an up-front consideration of USD$1 million by way of contribution towards historic back costs incurred by Deltic across the licence areas.

If a drilling decision is made on either of P2428 and P2567 blocks, which contain the most advanced prospects, Cairn will cover 70% of the expenses of whichever well is drilled first, subject to a gross well ceiling of USD$25 million.

The completion of the farm-out is conditional on the entering into of a Joint Operating Agreement and obtaining standard regulatory consents from the Oil & Gas Authority, subject to a three-month backstop, Deltic said. Cairn will become the operator of all five licences following completion.

Graham Swindells, Chief Executive of Deltic Energy, said: "This agreement represents the commencement of a wide-ranging partnership with Cairn, whose successful history of opening up new basins is aligned with our exploration-focused strategy.

"The partnership will result in a significant investment across multiple licences within Deltic's strategic Southern North Sea gas exploration portfolio, as we jointly progress the next high impact drilling targets. It provides further endorsement of the quality of the portfolio that our team has developed and also our gas focussed exploration strategy, as we continue to supply our conveyor belt of opportunities and attract the best partners to facilitate potential drilling.

"We are particularly excited at the prospect of building our partnership with Cairn, a well-funded and highly experienced North Sea operator. Both parties share a commitment to pursuing high impact exploration opportunities in the Southern North Sea and successfully developing these gas prospects."



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